Home » News and Events » OOTB 581 – 18th October – Kevin O’Rourke

OOTB 581 – 18th October – Kevin O’Rourke

Kevin O'RourkeHiya, how are you my little cream puffs? Well then my wee pets, OOTB have booked a worthy of your attention headline act for this Saturday. You see my little darlings, Kevin O’Rourke is well known figure on the Edinburgh grass roots music scene. He has been involved with many music projects over the years, notably in the band Underclass. He has since moved onto solo projects, and has delighted us at OOTB with his witty and highly melodic songs for a while now. Get yourselves down to the Kilderkin bar for a rather entertaining evening of original performances, you lovely wee choochter-woochters.

Sign up for a performance slot around 7:15pm-7:30pm, and we’ll raise the silky yet metaphorical curtain at 8pm.

Don’t forget that The Listening Room is back at the Blue Blazer bar every Sunday 7pm. Turn up a little earlier to sign up.

It’s alright to look on the left side of life.


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