OOTB 439 – Ben Young!
OOTB Presents… Ben Young!
So, did you survive the Festival? Apparently the Fringe is now finished (as of today) but the actual Festival officially lasts till next Sunday. Hope to see you all at the Fireworks Concert by the way!
Well, we’re still bringing you some of the best local and visiting artistes at Out Of The Bedroom, including this week’s featured act, it’s Ben Young! He’s incredibly good at writing and performing, and what’s more he’s a jolly nice chap too. This is pretty much your only chance to hear him play in Edinburgh so come along to The Montague Bar tomorrow (Tuesday 30 August) for his half hour feature set. And remember there are a ton of open slots too from 8pm, which tend to feature some great performers as well. Plus it’s free.
So yeah, that’s about it. Obviously don’t forget to go to some of the other things that are on too, if you have the time. There’s the open mic night at Noble’s in Leith on Thursday, and the Ale House open mic night on Friday (it was excellent again last week). As i said, it’s the Fireworks Concert on Sunday, and in previous years this has meant The Listening Room has taken a week off, though not this time, apparently. I just had a look at the Listening Room website, and it turns out that not only are they still running the night on Sunday 4 Sep, but it’s the incomparable James Igoe doing the featured act slot. It’s an 8pm start (open slots first, featured act afterwards) and it’s free, so go along there for an explosive performance from him.
Next week i’ll be giving you the details of the next Secret CDs night, and the week after it’s the huge relaunch extravaganza of Edinburgh Unlimited (formerly Unplugged) at Medina. Check your FB invites if you want to know the details before then, but again, both events promise to be a huge dollop of quality at bargain basement prices.
And if the chilly weather is keeping you in your house, why not listen to some of the new songs that have been written by songwriters the world over as part of 50/90 in the last couple of months? There are even some familiar OOTB regulars taking part. Enjoy!
Calum Carlyle
Out of the Bedroom
PS – i’m thinking of running some sort of competition in this mailing list sometime, what do you think? If you could reply by emailing reviews@outofthebedroom.co.uk and let me know what you think of that idea it would be awesome.
Wednesday, August 31st 2011 at 2:18 pm |
Ben Young was incredible by the way, as were all the other performers last night. Genuinely, if you missed it, you missed one of the best live evenings i’ve been at in a while.