Home » News and Events » OOTB 568 – 7th June – Open Slots

OOTB 568 – 7th June – Open Slots

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHello. Staring at open slots puts my stomach in knots, particularly during summer when they expand a little more due to the ambient warmth of the nearest star in this branch of our galaxy. Listening to open slots is a little easier on the ears because fleshy bipeds with flowing glossy lifeblood are able to create sound-waves in the form of music and words in a rather pleasing manner usually. To capture this sort of behaviour that vibrates paper-thin eardrums encoded as artwork in damp squidgy brains, then OOTB at the stone-built Kilderkin bar is just the place for a timely and worthwhile visit.

Sign up around 7:15pm-7:30pm and then OOTB starts the open slots space party at 8pm. Original material only and free entry as always.

On Thursday 26th June, at 8pm, Out Of The Bedroom will be having an Annual General Meeting at The Kilderkin to discuss events and the future of OOTB.
This is in light of our secretary, Nyk Stoddart, having to stand down from his role after years of outstanding service, during which time he’s actually been doing the work of what, more ideally, would have been done by two people.
If you’re interested in being a member of the committee, we’re looking for someone to schedule meetings and take notes, as well as someone to book acts and do publicity, but outside this, we’re always looking for volunteers willing to help out with compering, sound and the setting up of equipment.
This meeting is an open invite, so anyone who wishes to join in the discussions and may be interested in contributing to the running of OOTB in a greater or lesser capacity will be most welcome.
I look forward to seeing you there,
Steve Osborne (Chairman of Out Of The Bedroom).

Be there or be a constipated closed slot between big sweaty bottom cheeks covered in thick matted hair…


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