OOTB 715 – Thursday 3rd February

The good news is that Covid-19 restrictions are no longer in place in terms of numbers, so all are welcome!
The open mic is on from 8.00 p.m. to 11.00 p.m. Entry is free and sign up for a slot is from 7.30 p.m.
There will be a house guitar available and we will have amplification.
Out of the Bedroom will be in The Safari Lounge every fortnight in 2022, with our Out of the BedZoom event every other Thursday. The line up for OOTBZ #90 on 27 January was: James Igoe (host), Indigo Rose, Startled Bee, Alex Payne, John Lamb, Majk Stokes. In attendance was Cathy Sheehy.
See you at The Safari Lounge on Thursday…