Out of the Bedroom 702 review – Thursday 3rd October 2019

Running order: Small Feet Little Toes, Chris Glen, Roy McIntosh, You Are Lost Be Careful, Mally Smith, Gerry, Will B, feature act: Mike McKenzie.
Peach was host this evening and Chris Glen was on sound desk. Venue was Woodland Creatures.
Small Feet Little Toes: Poetic, rhythmic melodies. First song short and a cappella style. Song 2: staccato guitar and melodic. Beautifully fragmented yet held together by its rhythm and rhyme. Song 3: Time moves slow. Ripples of song and guitar moving across the airwaves given a dramatic yet serene effect to the emotions. Song 4 (the host sneaked in an extra one): Is there any way out here? Drives forward with strong emotional intent.
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Like the way she uses guitar with voice.
- Anonymous reviewer 2: Writes songs like novels, and performs them like a play.
- Roy: Bit late starting and Peach hosting. Kicked off with (1) a love song, (2) good place in her head in a relationship (in my mind a nice, relaxing venue – one down point, noise coming through from next door), (3) Dumfries song, (4) strong guitar playing.
Chris Glen: ‘Concubine’: the guitar walks you through a song about a crazy woman. The voice melodic and punchy, jazz like, slinking into the dark, with just enough moonlight to serenade you into the chill out zone. Song 2: Confident, this song swings in a gentle breeze of words and rhythms, the tumble along in beautiful cadence of emotions. The voice soars like a swallow searching out the sky. ‘Crystal Lake’: He brought this song back from his travels. The guitar repeats its entreat intertwined in a melody. He sees the sun and the crystal waves. The song has strong emotions and gives the sense of a journey that’s as emotional as it is physical.
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Exceptional, worth remembering his name! Thoughtful and emotional. Nice voice with guitar. Would pay to see Chris. Imagine listening to this in a cosy pub up North.
- Anonymous reviewer 2: Quiet, slow music commands attention. It’s impressive to be so ensnaring playing quiet, calm songs.
- Anonymous reviewer 3: subtle, captivating. Leaves me wanting more.
- Roy: 17-year a sound engineer for various nights. (1) sad and jazzy voice sounded a lot older than the body. (2) Let it go now! (3) Accomplished and confident young man.
Roy McIntosh: ‘Down on the river’: a song about an old friend who passed away and remembered as he walks by the river. ‘Generosity’: “I never refuse generosity”. About a young guy blagging a drink off an acquaintance in a bar. Strident guitar and vocals. Defines the story of waking up and finding you’ve been robbed. ‘I’m Gaun Hame’: coming back to Scotland, in spite of the corrupt bankers and politicians. The picture is completed with haggis, whisky and Nessie, kilts and parades down the Royal Mile.
- Roy: Never knew what I was singing. Blame my hearing aid!
You Are Lost Be Careful: Evan and Mally. ‘Art Collection’: Solemn guitar plays as this couple link well with heartfelt vocals that stroll along heart in heart. Strong emotions and beautiful vocals, interrupted by some strident guitar shouted, romantic evocations that stew to melodic lift. ‘Oh God’: strong fingering on the guitar, she leads them he joins in. This song swings along in an imaginary haze, lifting itself up among the stars before resting somewhere in the upper stratosphere, on a high mountain ledge that only eagles visit.
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Some nice harmonies. Thoughtful and poignant lyrics.
- Anonymous reviewer 4: Delicious harmonies!
- Roy: Lyrics and harmonies gelled well.
Mally Smith: ‘Dive In’: On her own this time, playing guitar and singing an ode to nature. “Dive in, the water’s cold”, she sings. The voice becomes an instrument making sound patterns rising and diving. ‘Ashes and Feathers’: This is the closest Mally has to an angry song. “I should do something” featuring flames, melodic guitar, the anger is well-hidden but definitely felt. ‘Wide As A Wall’: About childhood, asking questions about seemingly contradictory behaviour. Melodic guitar playing and comparing herself to her surroundings.
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Mesmerising vocals and lyrics. ‘Ashes and Feathers’ – nice vibe.
- Anonymous reviewer 4: (1) Stunning voice and song (2) Symbolic, burnt brightly (3) Astonishing, the best yet!
- Roy: (1) Ode to nature, very laid back (2) Angry, but calming to me (3) Another winner.
Peach led the free, yoga exercise break to loosen us up and get the blood flowing and our chakras aligning.
- Roy: Peach had folk standing up and turning round, closing their eyes and deep breathing. No wallets on tables, damn. [Ed’s note: Roy, so cynical!]
Gerry: ‘Sometimes’: Complete with guitar, Gerry tunes up and we tune in to his strident guitar and “sometimes” about his life and times and his object of affection, walking and talking and reminiscing about the first time, sometimes he chooses to forget. ‘Two Cities’: Fast-paced. “Two homes in the cities that I live”, two girls in the city that he loves. Strong guitar playing, shimmying along the fretboard saying he feels blessed from above. Yes, we all are, and good music is one of them. Song 3: More strong guitar playing, think rock ‘n country and someone wrecking your life, “thinking hard”, breaking dreams, moving on, I want to get to you.
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Good guitar, slightly repetitive? Had to leave for the bus!
- Roy: 8/10 for tuning up. (1) Very poppy! (2) Similar and a bit more upbeat (3) Starting over again! Another rock/pop. Good, fast guitar playing.
Will B: Roy: Mr. Intermission! In control again, well done.
Feature act: Mike McKenzie. Winner of the BBC Scotland Singer Songwriter of the Year 2019!
‘Take My Heart’: Melodic piano playing, sets the scene for this love song. Take my love till the sun comes up, time will take care of your love.
‘Old Enough’: The song has a vamping sound that makes me think of Highland music, about interaction and decision making, being alone or being with someone.
‘One Day’: One day I’ll fly, soar, finding his way. His voice is high in time with the piano (after slight adjustment). Very short but enjoyable.
‘I Like You’: “I love the way you make me feel” – gentle evocation of a love song. “I must be dreaming”, he sings, “I like you”. Yes, as do the audience.
‘Daniel’: Mike uses the guitar for this lullaby for his god daughter. Some gentle words of advice to the wee one, drift on the breeze that gently rocks the cradle. That reassures Daniel that things will get better and it starts with you.
‘Loved By You’: written on piano, but played on guitar, after enjoying his friend play it on guitar. It’s all I want to be, I love you, I’ll be loved by you.
- Anonymous reviewer 4:
- ‘Don’t Hold Me Down’: “Written from a bad place”. Hopeful, optimistic, warm. On acoustic guitar, a counselling song of the type that Billy Joel sang in his pomp (e.g. ‘Second Wind’, ‘Tell Her About It’)
- ‘Happy’: Trying a few things at night, including this. Love his voice.
- ‘Upside Down (aka I Love your Face)’: The consensus was that the original title was better! Passionate, beautifully written.
- ‘One More Night’: Reminded me of Bruce Hornsby. In a good way. Can hear this working well with a full band.
- ‘For The Record’: Working on an album’s worth of songs. Some very nice lines. Another intimate love song.
- ‘Love Like This’: People from four countries were weeping along to this song. I wasn’t crying at the back of the room. No sirree, not me, never.
- Roy: Mike gave us a selection of songs on keyboard and guitar. Supper and nightcap all in one to end a lovely evening.
General comments
- Anonymous reviewer 1: Very welcoming environment. Thank you, it’s been a fab evening. Stand out acts: Chris and Mally. Would have loved to stay later to see Mike who I came to see.
- Anonymous reviewer 4: Peach is such a good host. Very warm.
Main reviewer: Will B