OOTB 410 – The memories, the happy happy memories…
A Strategic Review of OUT OF THE BEDROOM #410 (with doodles)
Reviewed by Tom Watton, Steve Tonge, and Garret Morgan.
Nick Splinter Smith
Fighting on behalf of all 70’s teenagers, the Splinter’s rock/jazz/blues chord fusions a lively kick start to the 410th occurrence of Out of the Bedroom. Nick’s tunes remind the panel of T-Rex – BOLANESQUE !
Nick is appearing at the Forest on the 20th February at 5pm with the Transcollective.
Colin Milne
Colin starts the set with his unique and subtle guitar style. Listening to Colin is always a pleasant reminder of homely family gatherings. Colin performs with a refreshingly traditional style, and really takes the audience to paradise and back again. Colin received an impressive applause which crescendoed spectacularly. Colin you left your music stand at the Montague – we shall endeavour to protect it for you !
Toby Shippey
Toby starts his set with electronica style guitar and a soft semi-spoken singing style reminiscent of Shawn Mullins. Then Toby reveals his secret falsetto range set to an imaginative melody to introduce the chorus. Great singing – !
Toby’s second number is one which was well received at ‘The Listening Room’ the previous Sunday. Toby was joined at the LR by Gavin Taylor on the Slide Dobro (resonator); (which we were bowled over by). Today however Toby reminded us that he can deliver quality all by himself.
Garrett Morgan (reviewed by Steve Tonge, and Tom Watton)
Slicker than a car salesman at a pomade convention, Garrett’s OOTB inauguration is well received. Over the last few weeks he has made some regular appearances at several Edinburgh based open mic nights. Garrett has often played covers on these occasions, something which he admits he is not comfortable doing. Garrett should stick to performing his own material as it is a more relaxed recital of his melancholic songs.
Garrett is one American import that we really don’t want to see sent back across the North Atlantic. Keep ’em coming buddy!
Andy Paul
Andy has been the exciting new addition in the last few weeks of the local open mic scene.
Andy’s complicated flamenco derived full hand brushed crossed- rhythmed guitar riffs (which he makes look easy) provide a wonderful setting for his creative and clever lyrics, which draw inspiration from an urban style.
Andy puts body and soul into his performances, and he makes his out of tune guitar sound purposeful. For a preliminary listen to ‘Andy’s records’, go to soundcloud.com/andy-paul.
Andy’s appearances have guitarists, singers and songwriters nodding along and surrendering the genuine heart felt applause.
Owen is a very confident performer, and his songs are ‘singalongable’. Owen’s jaunty style belies his deep felt lyrical pain. Owen only had a ‘shorty’ set (remember if you want a full set please come down at 7.30pm).
Nyk Stoddart
Nyk’s natural range has a very haunting and cinematic sound. Nyk is often overlooked and shelved along with the abstract lunatic rambling category; in keeping often with the subject and presentation of many of his songs.
Today though I really believe that Nyk puts his hat in the ring to be considered the best of the open slots at #410. Nyk is clearly more than capable of composing truly moving songs with sophisticated chords and sealed with an inverted cadence.
Johnny Pugh
Johnny will be appearing at OOTB on March 15th with his band Atomic Pigeon.
Johnny’s songwriting style solders together a Jusif Islam (Cat Stephens)/ sound with a Celtic vibe which would not be out of place in a Capercaillie album. Johhny won the new look crazier than crazy raffle and was duly awarded the vibrant and joyous prize of the recorder! – TOP NOTCH!
INTERVAL – during which we reviewed the Montague!
The Montague
The Montague is a relaxing setting for OOTB the white sofas and arm chairs are comfortable, if not a bit over crowded with instruments, musicians and friends of musicians. The bar is clean, but homely, and the bar is bright and spacious, without the empty or soulless feeling which you may get in an urban chain pub.
The Tommy poster and other various film and music memorabilia in the OOTB half may provide inspiration for our performers. While the library around the other side of the bar is stocked with good reads.
We should mention that we are all very grateful for the enthusiasm which JeanYves Van de Kieft has shown us in the first few weeks of the new look OOTB.
End Of Interval!

A Bridge
Caro Bridges and the River
(Featured Set)
Caro on Guitar, Songwriting, and Vocals
Matt Norris on Violin, Mandolin, Banjo and backing vocals
Thom MacColl on Double Bass, and Backing Vocals,
Emily Nicholl on Violin, Percussion and Paper
Caro is a well appreciated and established acoustic act on the Edinburgh scene. Whether with her band or not, Caro ‘never ceases to keep us entertained‘. Caro started the featured set with the History of Aviation, a musical narration of the history of man made flight.
The band were thoroughly rehearsed and to coin a phrase were tighter then a chaffinch’s chuff.
Caro has many creative songs, and its a shame that we only got to hear a few of them. Caro’s style is hard to describe because she is an accomplished guitarist and is therefore not limited to the same four chords that many of us feel bound to. Each song therefore is its own genre, the second of which whisked us away to a Mediterranean/Moroccan space. Accompanied by Emily on the violin, who plays the fiddle with a proficient tone.
Our personal moment of total bliss (demonstrated by an exuberant outburst of “yes”, coinciding with much air-pulling) during the set was caused by Matt’s wonderful banjo augmentation during the jazzy number. Described by Garrett as ‘sick’, and my self as ‘explicit’. It really brought the set into the next tier of quality sounds, usually reserved for the likes of Martha Tilston, and Rosie Doonan. The bass at the same time was sounding both clean and clearly defined, with lovely movements that we have come to expect from Thom MacColl. Tremendous.
In fact, so tremendous was the whole performance I was inspired to draw a demonstration of Air-pulling, [and thus leaving you without a review for some of the performance – which if you were there you know was brilliant, and if you weren’t there – that is your own fault, not mine!] here is said diagram.
Caro Bridges and The River will be supporting Matt Norris and The Moon at Sneaky Pete’s on the 3rd of March – more info coming your way in the next few weeks.
Debbie Kate
Another newbie to OOTB, Debbie has an amazing voice, and truly is a great songwriter. Her song ‘Pennies to the Ocean’ had Garrett sitting himself ‘on a sandy beach being warmed but the sun‘. After some confusion between me (mainly me) and Steve, we agreed that Debbie had an early Cerys Matthews vocal sound (and not a Kerry Katona sound). The self proclaimed ‘Edinburgh Virgin’ was much admired by the then relaxing Caro Bridges, who liked her to an organic Norah Jones/Ellie Golding. A really relaxed and professional appearance, and we look forward to hearing more in the future!
Weather Underground
Deep Man; Deep…
…Very Deep…
…Like, Super-Deep. A Solid showcase.
Gabriel has a very spacious sound. An in answer to his song – we believe it too!
In the words of Garrett “So nice, so so nice”.
Accompanied by Matt Norris on Mandolin
Next week’s OOTB will be the day after St. Valentine’s Day, and Julien’s music is suitably Romantic, eat your hearts out girls!
Even though Julien is singing alone, it is easy to imagine the sound of a hoard of choristers maximising the potential of these great songs.
To summarise… Romance is alive and Waltzing is the new black!
Gavin Taylor
Gavin, mentioned earlier for his Listening room duet, treated us once more to the resonated sounds of his Dobro. Gavin’s performance is calm cool can collected and the sound of the slide is reminiscent of early adventurous Richard Thompson. Gavin’s natural guitar sound transports you to an ‘O’ Brother Where Art Thou?’ American depression. Impressive.
Steve Tonge
Reviewed by Garret & Tom
In Honour of all those left handed guitarists who go to open mic nights, this is left aligned*.
Despite some technical issues Steve managed to pull together a quality performance. Steve’s acoustic performances are great, although like an episode of The Thunderbirds, we know that the spectacular explosions we are witnessing should be taking place in a larger context.
The larger context that Steve’s songs sit in is with his band ‘Supermarionation’, whose album ‘On the Fly’ is out now. Supermarionation are playing at Cabaret Voltaire on the 26th February.
Sir Tom Watton (renamed Sir Pedro Whatton by the reviewers!) (Reviewed by Garret and Steve [with some supplementary after thoughts supplied in square brackets from me!] )
“Metal-core-post-ska-dub-folk” with a hint of Spanish guitar. The messiah to small town country kids, breathing life into their chilly winter nights with excellent reviews and Spanish riffs.
Shameless self promotion of upcoming gigs.
[Feeling like Steve and Garrett were maybe in a different pub when I was on. Here’s me spending ages reviewing and this is all I get! – Nothing about finishing the night with a song about going home, nothing about his new song which he part improvised I mean come on – this was meant to be team work guys. Well thats it!, Now look what you made me type! lol]
To round off the evenings review…
…a great time was had by all, everyone who played was appreciated, and next week will undoubtedly be brilliant, so don’t miss it!
Reviewed by Tom Watton, Steve Tonge & Garrett Morgan. Edited and arranged by Tom Watton.
Sound: Malcolm Mclean
Compere: Nyk Stoddart
* – actually the rest of the review is left aligned, this is the only bit that is right aligned – (pedantic Calum)
Sunday, February 20th 2011 at 9:30 pm |
Were the doodles done whilst the performers were performing?
You can also find pics of this gig here:
Wednesday, February 23rd 2011 at 11:34 pm |
They certainly were! i witnessed it myself! 🙂