Home » News and Events » OOTB 509 – 23rd February – Nicole Strachan

OOTB 509 – 23rd February – Nicole Strachan

hello or hallo, hullo

1  an expression of greeting used on meeting a person or at the start of a telephone call

a call used to attract attention

an expression of surprise


4  the act of saying or calling “hello”

Well that’s enough of the pleasantries so let’s move swiftly onto the more interesting points of musical noteworthiness…

Nicole Strachan

Featured act this Saturday is Nicole Strachan. Originating from North Carolina, Nicole has an alternative country influence to her song-writing style with a quirky flavour of folk/punk coming through as well. Her lyrics are poetic and deep, sung with rich three-dimensional tone which is all second nature as she is also a qualified and passionate talented artist. Rumour has it that some friends will be turning up to play trombone and cello to accompany Nicole’s unique songs. Having played at OOTB several times and has even hosted for us occasionally, you are assured to be sure it will be a sure performance from one so sure and bright. Not to be missed! Here’s a link to some of her music: Reverbnation.com/nicolestrachan

Slots to perform on stage will be available for booking on the night itself. We kick off at 8pm, but turn up before 7:30pm to confirm as they are usually all taken by then. Also we will be holding our regular raffle where for just £1 you have the opportunity to will by the force of fortune a magical prize from our silver bag of dreams.

If like Nicole, you’ve performed a number of times at OOTB and fancy having a shot at hosting then please let us know as we are always looking for like-minded folks to help out. You can even be our sound person for an evening or more if you prefer. Come and speak to us any Saturday or just send us an email.

Our ‘Lyrics & Writings‘ archive is hungry for more content. With inspiration such as Brotherhood Of Man’s lyric “Uh-oh Figaro he’s a Romeo – oh – wo, Uh-oh Figaro he’s got magico – oh – wo”, or from Neil Diamond’s hit  – “I am I said to no-one there, And no-one heard at all not even the chair”, is surely enough motivation for you to send us lyrics, poetry or any writings to our email address for public view and possible discussion on the comments tab. I’ll start proceedings and be brave (or foolish) enough to post lyrics from my own song ‘Blind’. Just click on the title of summarised postings to get full view.

See you all at OOTB this Saturday…

TB 😀

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