OOTB 521 – 18th May – Roseanne Reid
Hello. Nothing useful or silly to say this week as I’ve been out of touch with everything and my head has nothing inside it. Nothing new you might say. My ongoing knee injury has worsened recently and have been unable to find myself mobile enough to venture outside to do anything worthy of words concerning this blog or musical life in general. Just been one of them months where Mother Nature grips her cruel cold hands on proceedings. Never mind though, OOTB have booked an incredible featured act this week who can loosen and warm the icy hands of any life-form the universe can inflict on any of us.
Roseanne Reid blew us all away when she first appeared on the OOTB stage. Her acoustic country/folk style songs are immediately likeable whether you are into country music or not. Roseanne has an instant appeal to her performances which is hard to ignore when she is on stage. The lyrics are deep and emotional sung with a sweet gentle tone accompanied by acoustic guitar, and the occasional but rather fitting harmonica solo. Roseanne is a rare stand-out performer and you would be considered quite unfortunate to miss out on this Saturday’s headline act. Here’s a link to Roseanne’s music: myspace.com/roseannereid
Want to keep seeing amazing inspirational original musical acts in Edinburgh? Then donate £1 to our weekly raffle on the night which directly funds the running costs of OOTB. This helps to ensure the continuing longevity of OOTB to showcase Edinburgh’s finest performers. There’s also a chance of winning a top prize from our famous Silver Bag Of Dreams if you participate. You know it’s all good and worthwhile.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with hosting shows or twiddling faders and knobs on the sound-desk. If you feel up to the job, either for a bit of experience or fun or both, then get in touch via our contact page or speak to any of us on the night. Well worth a go!
Right oh well then cheers now bye,
Be there or be considerably downright unfair…
TB 😀
Thursday, May 23rd 2013 at 8:13 pm |
Thanks to the workers for getting the night on and cheers to all the entertainers and punters that came out on a driech Saturday night. Roseanne did a fine set as the main part of the show!