OOTB 512 – 16th March – Gerrybhoy
Hello. I’ve caught the flu whilst visiting my mother outside of Edinburgh through Mothers Day weekend so I’m feeling rather poorly right now and will get straight to what’s happening this Saturday at OOTB.
Featured act for ‘OOTB 512’ is Glasgow born Gerrybhoy. A regular performer and songwriter, Gerrybhoy has a distinct folk/rock flavour to his music. The lyrics can be narrative and emotional penned to catchy melodies that are difficult to get out of your head. With such strong and experienced song-writing talent, it would be rather silly of you to miss Gerrybhoy’s performance this Saturday evening. Here’s a link to his Soundcloud page for further confirmation of what I just said.
Fifteen minutes of mucus-free stage time are available for the taking. 8pm is the starting time, but it’s always wise to turn up somewhere before 7:30pm to confirm a snot….eh…I mean slot.
Any experienced OOTBers are welcome to try out a bit of hosting or sound-mixing if you fancy a go. It’s always a bit of fun on the night and many folk come back to do more. Try it to encounter something different for a change or to further enhance any ‘live’ skills or to positively charge any negativity. Just talk to us whichever Saturday evening or send an email via our contact page. You will not regret it!
Right, I’m going to spread myself over my mother’s couch like a green bacterial blob of bubbling slime and watch (without much choice really) outdated sitcoms on ITV3. Yeah!
Be there or be stuck at home picking solidifying debris from conjealed nose-hair,
TB 😛