OOTB 519 – 4th May – Fiona J. Thom
Hey! Has May Day been through its hay day so they say? Some more say the lay of the bay has washed away because the gay day of Spring’s sun-ray has lost its way in amongst the clouded fray. My friend Kay will not outlay whey on her tray to delay hunger as I cannot pay what she serves in clay. Belay today the grey way that flows down the brae of the River Tay to pray away all Winter’s play. So catch the Hell-train to Beltane to feign the seasonally insane.
Make way and hay for this Saturday’s featured play. Edinburgh singer-songwriter Fiona J. Thom is influenced by the songwriting traditions of the American Songbook, 60s psychedelia, Richard Thompson and rock and roll. Assembled from musicians from the acoustic music scene in Edinburgh and surrounding area Ms Fi & the Lost Head Band played in Princes Street Gardens in Aug 2012 and had so much fun playing together they decided to play some more gigs in 2013. Expect toe-tapping songs with wit, melody and edge. You’d be a crazy fool to miss this one! Here’s a link to Fiona’s music: Reverbnation.com/Fionajthom
Yeah well you know how it is, performance slottage is up for the taking as per usual. Just turn up sometime before 7:30pm to book yourself fifteen minutes of showtime and OOTB will begin at 8pm for an evening of Edinburgh’s top original live music shenanigans.
Please feel free to contact us if you wish to share any musical wisdom or lyrical creativity. I’ll post it on our website in the appropriate sections for all public to see and possible comments forthwith. OOTB is entirely voluntarily run and is always looking for more humanoids to help out, just send us a line or speak to any of us on the night.
Be there or be stuck inside a gigantic chocolate eclair…
TB 😀