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OOTB 284 – 17 January 2008

‘Twas a fine winter’s night to be venturing forth to the Canon’s Gait and many of Edinburgh’s musicians seemed to think this was true as the list filled up thick and fast. Alas, despite so many there appeared to be few willing to brave the challenge that faces the OOTB reviewer. However, for the first part I decided it was time to be a worthy citizen and give something back to the community. Ably aided and abetted by Ms Hannah O’Reilly read on to discover how our perilous journey unfolded before us (until the second break when we buggered off). I want to add at this point the disclaimer that I cannot be held responsible for any mis-quoted lyrics (you should sing more clearly), omitted or mis-quoted song titles (you should make them more obvious) or mis-spelled names (if I’ve not read them how am I supposed to know). We have also tried to be fairly honest and our mothers always told us that if you can’t say something nice then you shouldn’t say anything at all (oops, that means I shouldn’t really sing any of my songs. Ah well, hypocrisy makes life more bearable…). As a reward, we were given the first slot to share, and, delightfully compered by Mr Daniel Davis,

OOTB 283 – 10 January 2008

Another great session from some of the finest wits in the unamplified Edinburgh drinking scene, and topics such as Beethoven, poker and Presbyterianism had the pub ringing to the throng of heartily raised voices and occasionally strong opinions. Magnificent- it must have gone on for nearly forty minutes. Some people even took their coats off. Apologies from Rob Sproul-Cran, who was strangely ‘aff the drink’.

Immediately prior to this, some of the assembled went to the Canons’ Gait for an evening of musical interruption to their drinking.

OOTB 282 January 3rd 2008

OOTB 282 January 3rd 2008

Darren Thornberry, Ian Sclater, Nyk Stoddart, Nick Smith, Aaron Lowenberger, Carolyn Scott, Yogi, David Preston, Gavin Taylor (debut), P Gondo.

OOTB 281 December 13 2007

The St Nick’s Night was reviewed by Jim Igoe with a bit of help from Lindsay Sugden- here it is.

The St. Nick’s night started off very quietly indeed for a Christmas night, and it was 8.45 before the first act took to the stage. However, the Canons’ Gait cellar bar got gradually busier as the night went on until it was practically a full house by the end; Daniel Davis enthusiastically guided us through the evening.

OOTB 280 December 6 2007

Carolyn Scott, Ghost Boy, Paul Gladwell, Echo, Ross Neilson, Tone, Nyk Stoddart, David O’Hara.

Our review was two-fold this week, as Rob Sproul-Cran picked off the first few acts, and a brave Nyk Stoddart was inducted to the OOTB review fold after the first break. Enjoy!

OOTB 279 – 29th November 2007

Events guy Rob Sproul-Cran scribed up last week’s action masterfully; gon yersel, Rob!

Sparrahawk, Tim Allen, Freeloadin Frank, Aaron Lowen Bemer, Lewis
Campbell, Starship, Ghostboy, Davy Watson, Tony, Ross Baird, Aaron Wright.

OOTB 278 – November 22 2007

Daniel Davis gave his toupee’s worth on last week’s proceedings in an interestingly coiffured style. Did he feel more Vidal Sassoon or Sweeney Todd? Read on and find out.

OOTB 277 – 15th November, 2007

Nyk Stoddart, Rosie Bell, Freeloading Frank, Hannah O’Reilly, Simon Kempston & Rosie Hunter (featured), Angus Coull, Chris Mossop, David O’Hara, Steven Carey, P Gondu.

OOTB 191 – 24 Nov 2005

Chris Brown, Jill Hepburn, Airfix, Emily Scott, Davy Watson, Danny Gyle, Cosmic Stu

SURVIVING the threat of a life-time ban from The Waverley intrepid reporter Jill Hepburn (that’s me) got on with the job of upholding the values of a free press to bring to you, the people, news of exactly what is going on behind the edge of the wee red square.

OOTB 27 – 2 May 2002

Nelson & Jim, Jill Hepburn, Scott Reilly, Echo (aka Derek Archer), Ben & Sally, The Alpha, Playtone (debut), Eirik (debut).

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